Tuesday, 19 May 2020



1. Define the terms Active and reactive monitoring?
* Active Monitoring:
Done before something goes wrong, involves routine inspections and checks to ensure that standards are met, policies are implemented and controls are adequate.
It measures the Progress.
* Reactive Monitoring: 
Done after something goes wrong. Helps organizations to learn from mistakes and avoid recurrence.
It measures the Failure.

2. Define various type of Safety Inspections and things to be covered during ?
* Routine Inspection: To check general standards of health and safety.
* Statutory Inspection: By competent person to fulfill legal requirement (LT&T)
* Periodic Inspection: Plant and Machinery of a planned maintenance program 
* Pre-use-checks: By workers before using plant and machinery (like forklift, crane etc)

4P's to cover during Inspection:
* Plants and substances 
* Premises
* Procedures 
* People

3. What factors to be considered to decide how often (frequency) active monitoring / inspections should take place?
* The level of risk in activity 
* Manufacturers Recommendation 
* Companies own policy
* Countries law
* Inspection and audit findings 
* Accidents history and results of Investigation 
* Complaints from workers
* Risk assessment 

4. What are the topics to be covered in Generic Safety Inspection checklist?
* Housekeeping: 
* Fire: Escape routes, fire detection, firefighting, emergency Procedures, proper storage of flammable materials.
* Chemicals: Storage and usage, PPE
* Electrical: proper usage of portable tools, protective devices
* Environment: adequate lighting, noise and dust control, space
* Vehicles: segregation of pedestrians, parking areas

5. Define Safety Sampling and Safety Tours?
* Safety Sampling: 
Looking into a representative sample and deciding on compliance or non-compliance. 
* Safety Tours:
Routine unplanned round taken by high level manager along with line manager, supervisor and workers. Objective is to observe workers behaviour and promotes consultation. Visible leadership.

6. What are the factors to be examined in reactive monitoring?
* Accident data
* I'll health data
* Absenteeism data
* Claims record
* Number of complaints recorded
* Prosecution 
* Enforcement notices 

7. What are the benefits of collecting Near Miss Data?
* We can identify underlying causes which may allow preventive actions
* Gives message to workforce that all failures all taken seriously.
* As number are more therefore provide greater understanding of the deficiencies in management system which can be identified and rectified.

8. Why it is important to learn lessons from beneficial and adverse events?
* Lesson learned from both is the learning gained from the process.
* Each success or failure needs to be analyzed, so that what had been done correctly and what has been not is known.
* Beneficial events will give confidence to management to replicate the process throughout.
* Similarly, adverse events needs to be investigated and root cause needs to be evaluated. The learnings to be communicated across the organization so as to avoid repetition.
* Lessons can be learned from other organizations also.

9. Explain Leading and Lagging indicators? Or Difference between leading and lagging indicators?
Leading Indicators:
* Proactive in nature. 
* Includes safety initiatives or reported activities
* Goal is to prevent unfavorable events.
* Generated from active monitoring like safety Inspections, preventive maintenance
* Help to improve safety through awareness and prevention 
* Examples - Number of Safety trainings / Tool Box talks / Risk Assessment planned vs actual, Results of Behavior and Safety audits, Participation in Safety Committee 

Lagging Indicators:
* Include data from past like incidents and accidents statistics
* Generated from reactive monitoring like measuring hours lost due to reportable injuries.
* Prove to management that the steps taken to improve occupational health and safety is actually working.
* Examples - Injury frequency and severity, Lost workdays, Reportable incidents, Employee compensation cost, Chemical releases

10. What are the roles / function of incident investigation?
* Reactive monitoring and hence provides data to organizations for analysis.
* A proper investigation helps to understand why incident happened and what could be done to prevent it in future.
* Will tell what changes needs to be done in risk assessment by means of additional control measures.
* Investigation ensures staff isn't demoralized by the incident.
* Company might want to decide on disciplinary actions.
* It is a legal requirement.
* Investigation is required to process a claim from insurance agency.
* Helps in calculating cost of accident.

11. Explain the steps of incident investigation?
a) Gathering the information 
* Observation: Camera, measuring tape, pen and notebook to note observations and take sketches.
* Interview: With the witnesses, In a quiet environment away from accident site, to be recorded and signed at the end, Open ended questions, with open mind and not jump to conclusions, thanking the witness.
* Documentation: Relevant policies, Training records, Maintenance records, Sickness and absenteeism records, Risk assessment, Safe System of work, Site plans and layout, Active monitoring records.

b) Analyzing the information
To find out the cause of incident
* Immediate Causes: immediate reason due to unsafe act or unsafe condition.
* Underlying Causes: Behind the immediate causes like time pressure, inadequate training, lack of maintenance.
* Root Causes: Normally point towards management deficiencies.

c) Identifying Risk Control Measures
* To prevent recurrence 
* Practical
* Whether they will be use
* Whether they will remain effective 
Must take care of immediate and route causes.

d) Action Plan and it's implementation
Who will do what and by when.

12. What are the barriers in incident reporting?
* No reporting policy in place.
* Work culture of not reporting
* Workers not aware about roles and responsibilities.
* There is a blame culture in the organization, workers are afraid of disciplinary actions
* Filling forms take too long 
* There is peer pressure that prevents reporting.
* Once reported there is poor management response 
* To prevent department statistics which may impact incentives 

13. Define Audit?
Audit is a systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled.

14. Why health and safety management system should be audited?
* To verify that health and safety management system is appropriate.
* To verify if implementation is done correctly with appropriate risk controls.
* To verify the results obtained against set goals.
* To identify reasons of failure of management system
* To learn from mistakes and avoid recurrence.
* To evaluate effectiveness of controls in place, process / system.
* To demonstrate the leadership commitment and duty of care.

15. What are the differences between Audit and Inspection?
Audit Inspection
* Examines documents Checks workplace
* Examines procedures Checks records
* Interview workers Usually quick
* Verify costs Lower cost
* Checks Workplace Basic Competence
* Long process Maybe part of audit
* Usually expensive Done by a team
* Done by trained auditor

16. What are the different types of audits?
a) Product / Service Safety Audit:
Examination of a product or service, such as hardware, processed material or software, to evaluate whether it confirms to requirment.
b) Process Audit:
Verifies that process are working within established limits. Evaluates an operation or method to check:
* Conformance to defined requirements such as time, temperature, pressure.
* Examine the resources (equipment, material, people), environment, methods (procedures, instructions).
* Checks the adequacy and effectiveness of process controls.
c) System Audit:
Conducted on a management system. Documented activity performed to verify, by examination and evaluation of objective evidence, that applicable elements are appropriate and effective.

17. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Internal Audit?
* Less expensive 
* Auditors are familiar with workplace and what is practicable for industry.
* Can see changes from last audit.
* Improves ownership of issues identified.
* Builds internal competencies.
* Workforce may be at ease.
* Familiarity with individuals.

* Auditors may not notice certain issues.
* Less knowledge of industry and legal standards.
* Lack of auditing skills
* Auditors are part of system so may be subjected to internal influence.

18. What are the advantages and disadvantages of external audit?
* Independent of any internal influence.
* Fresh pair of eyes.
* Experienced in auditing.
* Recommendation may carry more weight.
* More up to date with the law and best practices.
* Maybe more critical.

* Expensive 
* Time consuming 
* May not understand the business so make impractical suggestions 
* May intimidate workers and so get incomplete evidence.

19. Explain the stages in Auditing?
a) Pre-audit Preparations:
Before start of audit to define:
* The scope of audit
* The area of audit
* The extent of audit
* Who will be required
* Information gathering - documents required to prepare for audit

b) Competency of the Auditor 
* Relevant certification, experience in conducting similar audits, knowledge of company process.

c) During the Audit
* Paperwork or documentation: 
Typically auditor may look at following documents to gain evidence of conformity - Policy, Risk assessment, SSOW, Training records, Minutes of safety Committee meetings, Maintenance records, Active monitoring records, Reactive monitoring records, Emergency arrangements, mock drills records, Inspection reports by insurance agencies, output of regulatory visits, worker complaints.
* Interviews: with workers and managers to understand how well the policies are understood and their roles and responsibilities.
* Observations: Field visit to observe behavior and correct implementation of SSOW.

d) End of Audit:
Major non-conformance
Minor non-conformance

20. Why to review health and safety performance?
* Identify weakness in management systems.
* Determine cause to prevent recurrence 
* Identify weakness in risk assessment 
* Demonstrate management commitment 
* Comply with country's legal requirement 
* Collect data to establish losses
* Provide information for civil/criminal actions 
* Provide information to insurance company 
* To meet requirment of stakeholders and shareholders.

21. What needs to be considered in health and safety review?
* Pending actions from previous reviews 
* Legal compliance 
* Findings of active monitoring:
Safety Inspections 
Safety Tours
* Reactive monitoring data:
Accident and Incident data
Absence and sickness data
* Quality assurance reports
* Audit reports
* Monitoring data / records / reports
* External communication and complaints 
* Consultation 
* Objectives status
* Legal and best practice development


Element - 3

1. Define health and safety culture?
A health and Safety culture can be defined as the product of individual and group values, beliefs, attitude, perception, behavior and competencies related to health and safety. 

2. How Safety culture is influenced?
Safety culture is influenced by:
* Management Commitment 
* Communication
* Worker Competence 
* Co-operation 

Positive and Negative safety culture.

3. What are indicators of Organization's Health and Safety Culture?
* Accident / Incidents
* Absenteeism 
* Sickness Rates
* Staff Turnover 
* Level of compliance with Rules and Procedures 
* Complaints about the working conditions 

4. Who is a competent worker?
A competent worker is a person who has sufficient Knowledge, Skills, Education, Experience and other abilities and authorized to carry out their work safely and without risk to health.

5. Why it is important to use variety of method of communication?
To overcome the barriers of each method and for reasons like:
* Varity prevents over-familiarization.
* Helps to reinforce a message 
* Overcome Language barriers 
* People respond differently to different stimuli
* To motivate, stimulate and gain involvement and feedback 
* Different types of information require different methods
* Need to keep evidence 
* To ensure communication is clear and understood by all.

6. What are different methods of communication?
A. Verbal communication 
B. Written communication 
C. Graphic communication 

7. What are methods of broadcasting different type of communication?
A. Notice Boards
B. Posters and Videos 
C. Tool Box Talk 
D. Digital Media
E. Company Intranet 
F. Mails and Memos
G. Workers Handbook 

8. Define informing and consulting?
Informing: A one way process, Generally decisions are taken by management, Informed to workers, Workers will resists as it is imposed, Autocratic, Creates negative safety culture.
Consulting: Two-way process, Decision is taken after discussion of worker and management, Workers are involved, Democratic, workers will support and co-operate, Creates positive safety culture.

There can be Direct consultation and Indirect consultation.

9. What are the benefits of worker participation?
* Helps improve their understanding of the values and importance of health and safety.
* Develops feeling of ownership of safety measures.
* Improves morale of workforce and helps in developing positive safety culture.
* By seeking views and allowing to contribute to decision making, management would demonstrate commitment towards health and safety.
* Workable solutions will be arrived with consultation and participation.
* Might be a legal requirement.

10. When and why training is required?
* Induction Training: New joining 
* Job Change: Job profile changes
* Process Change: Way of doing 
* Introduction of new legislation 
* Introduction of new technology 

11. What are general contents of training to new workers?
* Organization health and safety policy and targets
* Fire and other emergency procedures- assembly points
* Location of welfare facilities 
* Safe movement 
* Incident reporting procedure 
* Workers consultation arrangements 
* General safety rules and code of practice 
* Personal Protective Equipment - Requirements and use
* Introduction to SSOW and PTW etc.
* Introduction to risk assessment 
* Co-operation and co-ordination 
* Do's and Don'ts - drug abuse - Disciplinary Procedures.

12. What are the Human Factors which influence behavior?
A. Organizational Factors:
* Safety culture of the organization 
* Policy and Procedures 
* Commitment and Leadership of management 
* Level of supervision
* Communication 
* Resources 
* Training 
* Peer group pressure 
* Consultation and worker involvement 
* Work patterns 

B. Job Factor
* Task
* Workload 
* Environment 
* Display and controls 
* Procedures

C. Individual Factors
* Attitude 
- Education and Training 
- High Impact Intervention 
- Consultation and involvement 
- Enforcement 
* Motivation 
* Competence 
* Perception of risk

13. What factors may affect perception of risks?
* Ilness
* Stress 
* Fatigue
* Distraction 
* Previous experience 
* Training, Knowledge, Education 
* Drugs and alcohol 

14. Define Hazard and Risk?
- Hazard is a source with a potential to cause injury and ill-health.
- Risk is a combination of the likelihood of occurence of a hazardous event and the severity of injury and ill-health that can be caused by hazardous event or exposure.

15. What is Risk Profiling?
Risk Profiling involves gathering information about operations and process, using existing risk assessment, and risk assessment methodology to evaluate risks, and developing suitable means for monitoring and providing assurance. 
Risk information generated from interviews needs to be confirmed and ranked, and together with risk assessment should form the basis of overall risk profile.

16. What is the purpose of risk assessment?
* Comply with health and safety legislation 
* minimize risks by correct application of risk control measures 
* Legal compliance 
* To prevent incidents from happening 
* To prevent legal enforcement actions 
* To prevent direct and indirect cost of accidents.

17. Explain how a risk assessment will be called Suitable and Sufficient?
* State the name and competence of assessor and name of any specialist
* Identify the significant hazard and risk
* Identify all the persons who could be at risk
* Evaluate the effectiveness of current control measures
* Identify other control measures
* Enable employer to identify and prioritize the control measures 
* Record significant findings
* Be appropriate to nature of work and be proportionate to the risk 
* State the period of time it will remain valid.

18. Define General Approach of Risk Assessment or Define Risk assessment process?
Step-1: Identify Hazards
Step-2: Identify people at risk
Step-3: Evaluate risk
Step-4: Record Significant findings 
Step-5: Reason for review 

19. Explain Hazard identification methods?
* Carrying our workplace Inspection 
* Task analysis 
* Sources of information to consult
* Legislation 
* Manufacturers Information 
* Incident data

20. What are the general principles of risk control? 
* Eliminate the Hazard / Risk
* Control the Hazard / Risk at source 
* Minimize the Hazard / Risk by design of safe work system
* For residual hazard / risk, provide PPE.

21. What categories of People to be considered when identifying People at Risk in Risk assessment?
* Workers and Operators 
* Supervisor and Managerial staff
* Maintenance staff
* Contractors 
* Cleaners and Housekeepers 
* Visitors / Customers 
* Members of Public

22. What are acute and chronic health effects or Difference between acute and chronic health effects?
* Acute:
- High Level of exposure
- Short exposure time
- Quick effect
* Cronic:
- Lower level of exposure 
- Long exposure time
- Long term effect

23. Explain Hierarchy of Controls?
A. Elimination 
B. Substitution 
C. Engineering controls
D. Administrative controls with training 

24. What are the situations which can trigger a review of risk assessment?
* Due to significant changes like:
Process, Substance, Equipments, Workplace Environment, Personal, Legal standards
* Due to reasons like:
Accidents, Near Miss, ill-health
* Periodic review once a year

25. What are the factors to be considered in Fire risk assessment?
* Construction and use of building 
* Emergency routes and exits
* Fire detection and warning systems
* Fire fighting equipments 
* Removal or safe storage of dangerous substances 
* Emergency fire evacuation plan
* Needs of vulnerable people 
* Providing information to employees and other people on the premise 
* Staff fire safety training 

26. What are the requirements (factors to be considered) of Ergonomic Assessment of DSE?
* Is chair positioned directly in front of the monitor.
* Are eyes about 18-28 inches from the monitor.
* Able to look at monitor straight head.
* Can read monitor without bending Head or looking forward.
* Correct Brightness, contrast, font size
* Screen free from glare 
* Any special glasses used
* Wrists in straight and neutral position 
* Elbows at 90 deg
* Shoulders relaxed
* Good lumber support from chair
* Able to use mouse, keyboard without stretching, bending, twisting 
* Legs fit comfortably with work surface 
* Feet fully supported by floor or foot rest 
* Short breaks like stand up, stretch 

27. What are the steps involved in risk assessment of Hazardous substances (COSHH)?
* Gathering information about the substance, the work and working practices 
* Evaluate risk to health 
* Decide on necessary measures to comply with regulations
* Recording the assessment 
* Review the assessment 

28. What are the factors to be considered while doing risk assessment of Hazardous Substances?
* Hazardous nature of substance 
* Potential ill effects 
* Physical forms
* Routes of entry 
* Quantity 
* Concentration 
* Number of people exposed 
* Assigned exposure limit (WEL)
* Frequency of exposure 
* Duration of exposure 
* Existing control measures.

29. What are the factors to be considered while doing risk assessment for Expectant and Nursing mothers?
* Manual Handling 
* Chemical or biological agents 
* Ionizing radiation 
* Passive smoking 
* Rest room facility
* Temperature variation 
* Ergonomic issues related to prolonged standing, sitting etc.
* Issues with use of PPE's
* Working hours
* Stress and violence to staff

30. When MOC will be applicable?
* Construction works
* Change of process
* Change of equipment 
* Change of working practices 

31. Explain how Impact of change can be minimized?
a. Communication and Co-operation - Proper communication and Co-operation between all people
b. Risk Assessment - Forward looking process
c. Appointment of competent people - with sufficient knowledge and experience 
d. Segregation of work areas - physical barriers 
e. Amendment of Emergency Procedures - because of extra people, equipments and hazards
f. Welfare Provisions

32. Why workers to be involved when developing SSOW?
* They work directly on machine or manufacturing process.
* Legal requirement 
* Best position to help.
* Will create ownership and buy in.
* Implementation will be fast and effective 

33. Explain Why procedures should be written down / recorded?
* Can be written carefully and signed by competent person
* Proper document number, date, revision number can be given to facilitate regular review
* Provides a point of reference to worker and Supervisor whenever they have doubt
* Can be in one-page pictorial instruction 
* Forms the basis for all future training 
* Legal requirement 
* Provides reference for investigation of accidents 

34. What are the steps in task analysis?
* Select the task
* Record the steps of task
* Evaluate risk associated with each step
* Develop safe working method
* Implement
* Monitor its effectiveness 

35. What are the factors to be considered while developing a SSOW?
* People
* Equipment 
* Materials 
* Environment: Factors like lighting, space, dust, noise, temperature 

36. Explain the process of PTW?
* Issue of Permit - Senior level manager after ensuring type of work, place of work, workers, control measures before and during work, date and time, duration, parallel permit, copy of risk assessment attached, name and signature.
* Receipt of permit - Workers, read the control measures, start work
* Clearance of permit - sign for completion by workers and removal of controls
* Cancellation - by authorizing manager after visiting the site and ensuring removal of controls 
* Extension (optional) - If work can't be completed in stipulated duration 

37. What are the requirements of effective PTW system?
* Issuing authority and workers needs to be trained and competent 
* Permit to be filled after visiting the site and not from the desk
* Permit should not be amended 
* Active and regular supervision 
* Issuing authority to visit the site to ensure controls have been removed and plant is returned to original state before cancelling the permit
* Enough time to be accorded to fill the permit.

38. When PTW system is used? Or 
What type of work are normally covered in PTW system?
* Hot work
* Work on non-live (isolated) Electrical systems
* Machinery Maintenance 
* Confined space 
* Work at Height
* Excavation, especially near buried services.

39. What are the precautions for control of hot work?
* Work carried out by competent person
* All flammable substances to be removed 
* Equipments which can't be removed should be covered with fire proof blankets 
* Fire extinguisher to be kept
* Fire watcher presence 
* Area to be swept of any debris before start of work
* Wooden flooring to be damped down with water
* After completing, smoldering embers should be disposed off correctly.

40. What are the requirements of Electrical PTW?
* The person the permit is addressed to, who will be present throughout the work
* The exact equipment which has been made dead and it's location 
* Points of isolation
* where conductors are earthed
* Where warning notices are posted
* Nature of work
* Presence of any other source of hazard
* Further precaution to be taken during course of work

41. What are the precautions for PTW of Confined space?
* Test the atmosphere for presence of toxic and flammable gases and oxygen levels
* Check competency of workers
* Clean work area to remove residue 
* Isolate mechanical and electrical equipments 
* Ensure ventilation 
* Use of special tools and PPE'S 
* Adequate Lighting to avoid strain
* Ensure obstacle free access and egress
* Emergency rescue and fire fighting arrangements and communication methods.

42. What are the things to be included in Emergency Procedures with reference to HSG268?
* Consider what might happen and how alarm will be raised. Include shift working, weekends and holidays when premise is closed.
* Plan what to do, including how to call emergency services. Clearly mark your premise along with storage place for hazardous materials.
* If more than 25 tons of Hazardous material is stored, notify fire and rescue team to put warning signs.
* Decide where to go to reach a place of safety (assembly point) or to get rescue equipments.
* Provide suitable emergency lighting.
* Sufficient Emergency exits to be provided to enable everyone escape quickly.
* Emergency routes and doors to be kept unobstructed and clearly marked.
* Nominate competent people to take control.
* Decide key people like incident controller, technical person, first aiders, fire and rescue team.
* Plan essential actions like emergency shutdown, isolation to make process safe.
* Training everyone including disable and vulnerable people in emergency procedures.
* Work should not resume after an emergency if a serious danger remains.

43. Why people needs to be trained in emergency procedures?
* To ensure everyone knows what to do when there is emergency.
* To enable them become familiar with protective actions for life safety like evacuation, shelter, shelter in place, lockdown.
* Review protective actions for life safety and conduct evacuation drills.
* To develop their awareness and understanding of specific hazards and risks associated with their jobs and working environment.
* Develop awareness among vulnerable people like visitors about alarm patterns and actions to be taken.
* Quick and effective actions will help ease the situation quickly and reduce the consequences.

44. Why emergency procedures needs to be tested?
Emergency procedures needs to be tested by mock drills to understand:
* Is the emergency procedure working as planned?
* Have people at all levels understood their roles and responsibilities?
* Did emergency staff operate the emergency equipments correctly?
* Did emergency equipments function as desired?

45. What needs to be considered when deciding on First Aid needs in a workplace?
* General risk level of the workplace.
* Accident history of the organization.
* Number of workers in the workplace.
* Work patterns and shift systems.
* Presence of vulnerable people. Organization will large number of lone workers may provide portable first aid kit to each one of them.
* Geographical location of the workplace. Distance from nearest hospital.
* Spread of workplace to determine how far worker need to travel before they receive first aid.
* Specific activities like chemical handling which may require eye wash and body showers.


A Why permit to work is required?
B What are the activities which requires PTW?
C What has to be done for put PTW in practice?
D What are the allocated roles in PTW?

2 Why emergency procedures not to be tested?
3 Explain how work place can affect by negatively influence individuals behaviour.
4 what documents need to be reviewed while doing active monitoring?
5 what are Employer responsibilities??
6 Explain term Hazard, Risk and stages of risk assessment
7 why investigation of work place is to be done?
8 what documents are reviewed while doing safety audits?
9 What are targets needs to included in company's statement of intent?
10 what information needs while writing safe systems of work?
11 what are the cost due to ill health?



1. What are key elements of Health and Safety Management System as per ILO-OSH:2001?
* Policy: Statement of Intent made by top management showing commitment 
* Organizing: Roles and responsibilities of various levels, delegation of authority, channel of communication.
* Planning and Implementation: Detailed arrangements to achieve the targets. Procedures.
* Evaluation (Monitoring, Review, Measurement, and Investigation): Measuring performance. Proactive and Reactive monitoring.
* Audit: Planned, systematic and critical evaluation of health and safety management system by a competent person.
* Actions for Improvement: Comparing results of monitoring with set objectives and targets. Enhance if achieved and evaluate reasons if non-achievment and taking corrective and preventive actions.
* Continual Improvement: To continuously progress and achieve better and greater targets. 

2. What are the benefits of having a formal / certified management system?
* Increasingly favored by the regulators throughout the world.
* Self-regulation
* To have consistent, standardized approach throughout the organization.
* Gives competitive edge to organization by proving to stakeholders and customers that health and safety is well managed 
* Many national and international tendors require the bidder to have certified health and safety management system. Makes business and economic sense to have formal system.

3. What are the typical contents of a Health and Safety Policy?
* General Statement of Intent:
- State and illustrate the overall Aims and Objectives and a clear picture of management commitment.
- Set objectives and quantifiable performance targets.

* Organization Section:
Defining structure, roles and responsibilities, delegation of authority, channel of communication etc.

* Arrangement Section:
Details of systems and procedures to achieve the targets.

4. What are the general health and safety arrangements?
* Employee health and safety code of conduct 
* Accident reporting and investigation 
* Providing health and safety information, instruction and training 
* Consultation with workers 
* Emergency preparedness including fire
* Welfare and first Aid Provisions 
* Monitoring of plant and equipments, their maintenance and risk assessment.
* Developing Safe System of Work and Permit to Work
* Developing effective line of communication.
* Implementing corrective and preventive actions
* Providing PPE'S, storage space and training to use them.
* Ensure effectiveness by periodic assessment.

5. What are specific health and safety arrangements?
* Lone working
* Noise / Vibration control
* Control of exposure to toxic materials 
* Control of Contractor and visitors 
* Control of transport risk.
* Waste disposal

6. When policy needs to be reviewed?
* Change in the legislation 
* Enforcement agency falls find in the policy after an audit or accident investigation
* Change in management structure 
* New machinery, processes or technology 
* Changes following consultation with employees 
* Requested by third party such as insurance agency or a client
* When an audit, investigation or risk assessment suggests that policy is no longer valid.
* After sufficient time like annually.



1. What are the reasons for managing safety?
* Moral - duty to take care, humanitarian, ethical 
* Financial - Direct and Indirect cost (Insured and uninsured cost)
* Legal - To comply with law, legislations and social expectations and avoid proceedings like enforcement notice and prosecution.

2. What are Direct and Indirect costs of incidents?
* Direct Costs: Measurable cost
- First Aid treatment 
- Hospitalization cost
- Worker sick pay
- Compensation payable to victim 
- Repair or replacement of damaged plant and machinery
- Lost or damaged product
- Lost production time while dealing with injury
- Overtime to makeup for the lost time
- Fines in criminal courts
- Cost associated with rehabilitation of injured worker and their return to work

* Indirect Costs: Difficult to quantify 
- Loss of staff for investigation, preparing reports, hospital visits, attending court proceedings
- Loss of staff morale impacting productivity and quality 
- Cost of remedial actions of investigation 
- Compliance with enforcement notice
- Cost of recruiting and training temporary or replacement labor
- Difficulty in recruiting and retaining staff
- Loss of goodwill of customers due to delay in production and order fulfillment 
- Damage to public image and business reputation 
- Damage to Industrial relations, leading to worker unrest

3. What are insured and uninsured costs?
* Insured Costs:
- Damage to plant, buildings, equipments and vehicles
- Medical cost
- Compensation paid to worker

* Uninsured Costs:

4. What are social factors that influence Health and Safety?
* Economic Climate
* Government Policy 
* Risk Profile 
* Globalization 
* Migrant workers 
* Social expectations of equality 

5. What are basic safety requirements?
What are basic safety provisions by employer?
* Safe Place of work
* Safe plant and equipments 
* Safe systems of work
* Information, Instructions, Training and supervision 
* Competent workers

6. Define the role of enforcement Agency?
* Providing advice
* Investigating workplace accidents 
* Take formal enforcement action to force employer to comply with the law and start enforcement actions against those they fell have committed offences.
* To interpret law and write ACoP, HSG etc

7. What is the purpose of law?
* Set boundaries to operate - level playing field with no bias
* Regulate relationships 
* Resolve conflicts - maintain industrial and public relations
* Establish rights - no exploitation 

8. What are the consequences of non-compliance?
* Formal enforcement notice
Improvement notice
Prohibition notice: halting an activity
* Prosecution of organization - Fines
* Prosecution of individuals - Fines and/or imprisonment 

9. Define conventions and Recommendations?
* Conventions are legally binding international treaties that need to be ratified by member states.
* Recommendations serve as non binding guidelines which supplements the convention by providing detailed guidelines on how it can be implemented.

10. What are the employeers responsibilities or obligations?
* To provide safe workplace, work equipments and use work methods which are safe and pose no risk to health.
* To provide appropriate information and training 
* To provide necessary supervision 
* To put in place health and safety arrangements adopted to suit the size and nature of organization 
* To provide necessary personal protective clothing and equipment free of charge 
* To ensure hours of work do not adversely affect safety and health 
* To take measures to eliminate physical and mental fatigue 
* To stay up-to-date with knowledge in order to comply with the above.

11. What are workers responsibilities?
* Take reasonable care of their own safety and safety of others who might be affected by things they do and the things they fail to do.
* Comply with safety instructions and procedures 
* Use all safety equipments provided and not to temper with them
* Report any situation which they believe could be a hazard and which they themselves cannot correct 
* Report work related accidents and I'll health.

12. What are workers right?
* The right to be provided with adequate information on actions taken by employer to ensure occupational health and safety 
* The right to necessary training in occupational health and safety 
* The right to be consulted by employer on all matters of occupational health and safety related to their work.
* The right to leave the workplace which the worker has reason to think present an imminent and serious danger to his or her life or health and not be compelled to return until it is safe.

13. What are the roles of Directors and Managers?
* Give the organization its direction 
* Setting up a health and safety policy, taking care of statutory requirements 
* Creating an organization structure, with proper line of communication depicting responsibilities and feedback 
* Creating measurable aims and objectives towards health and safety.
* Providing adequate resources required to achieve the set objectives.
* Ensuring there are person with specific roles related to health and safety and these people should be directly reporting to Director level personal.
* Ensuring there are adequate number of competent persons available to take care of organizations health and safety obligations.

14. What are the roles of Supervisors?
A supervisor is a person who has charge of a workplace or authority over a worker. He must:
* Ensure a worker complies with health and safety regulations 
* Ensure that equipment, protective device or clothing provided are maintained in good condition and used
* Instruct workers about any potential or actual health and safety hazard 
* Take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for protection of workers.

15. What are the responsibilities of joint occupiers?
* They shall collaborate in applying the requirements of health and safety.
* They shall make a joint committee.
* Each employer should nominate a senior employee to the joint Committee which can meet regularly to discuss health and safety related matters.
* There should be joint consultations to ensure that hazards of each of the occupiers are known and control measures recorded.
* There should be procedures jointly made to deal with emergencies and fire.
* Emergency mock drills should be planned and executed jointly.

16. What are the steps in effective planning of contracted work?
* Decide on scale of contracting 
* Scope of work to be determined 
* Decide on information to be shared 
* Hazards posed by site and work
* Hazards posed by contractor activities 
* Risk assessment of Contractor job
* Method statements.

17. What are the things to be checked during pre-selection of Contractor?
Following things to be check while pre-selection of Contractor:
Contractor Documents:
* Contractors Health and Safety Policy 
* Example risk assessments and method statements.
* Previous experience of similar jobs
* Accident records and labor permits 
* Any enforcement action pending 
Contractor Equipments:
* Whether the equipments meet the required national and companies own standard 
* Whether any statutory test is required and has been carried out (Lifting tools)
* Whether equipments are suitable for the job and environment in which they will be used.
Contractor Workers:
* Competency of the workers
* Number of workers
* Right mix of workers

Monday, 18 May 2020


Download Links
Covid19 Pocket Book for Workplace Safety( NEW Updates)

Risk Assemment of COVID-19_RMP ( New Updates)

Guidance for Disinfecting Work areas Precautions from Covid 19 ( New Updates)

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Sunday, 17 May 2020


How many types of scaffolding??

General Precautions COVID-19

General Precautions
There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19 disease. The best way to prevent infection is to avoid being exposed to the virus and follow general precautions against flu to prevent people from catching and spreading COVID-19 disease:

●Avoid shaking hands. Instead use different ways to greet each other. 
●Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water or clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub;
●Maintain at least 1,5 meter distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing, sneezing, or do not feel well;
●Follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose the used tissue immediately;
●Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth. Your hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick;
●Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces;
●Inform you supervisor or manager when you do not feel well, especially if you have a fever, cough and/or difficulty in breathing.

Confined Spaces Quiz Q & A

You scored 100%!
This means you passed the quiz.

Q.1 A confined space is designed for human occupancy.

Q.2 The following information is included on an entry permit: purpose of the entry, authorized entrants, hazards of the permit space, results of tests performed, name of the tester, and equipment required your question here.

Q.3 Placing your foot through the opening of a permit required confined space is considered an entry.

Q.4 If you need to isolate energy sources in a confined space before entry, that information will be on the permit system.

Q.5 The entry permit authorizes entry to anyone who wishes to enter the permit required confined space.

Q.6 The atmosphere of a confined space is unacceptable if the oxygen level is below 19.5 percent or above 23.5 percent.

Q.7 If the attendant detects a hazardous atmosphere during entry, workers must leave the space.

Q.8 Which of the following duties is the entry supervisor responsible for?
Authorizing entry.
Determining if conditions are acceptable for an entry.
Terminating the entry if necessary.
✓All of the above.

Q.9 It is important to monitor the surrounding air outside a confined space to make sure it is not contaminated

Q.10 Several factors are commonly related to confined space injuries or deaths among emergency responders. These include
Lack of pre-incident planning and standard operating procedures.
Insufficient training on procedures for safe confined space rescues.
Lack of knowledge of the hazards of confined spaces.
Lack of air testing devices and rescue equipment
✓Any or all of the above

#IndiaFightsCorona #COVID19 #HealthForAll #SwasthaBharat #CoronaOutbreak #Lockdown3


आइये, #COVID19 की श्रृंखला को तोड़ने के लिए हम भी अपना योगदान दें। एक-दूसरे से उचित दूरी बनाए रखें और घर पर रहें। 

#HealthForAll #SwasthaBharat #CoronaOutbreak #Lockdown3

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