1. What are the reasons for managing safety?
* Moral - duty to take care, humanitarian, ethical
* Financial - Direct and Indirect cost (Insured and uninsured cost)
* Legal - To comply with law, legislations and social expectations and avoid proceedings like enforcement notice and prosecution.
2. What are Direct and Indirect costs of incidents?
* Direct Costs: Measurable cost
- First Aid treatment
- Hospitalization cost
- Worker sick pay
- Compensation payable to victim
- Repair or replacement of damaged plant and machinery
- Lost or damaged product
- Lost production time while dealing with injury
- Overtime to makeup for the lost time
- Fines in criminal courts
- Cost associated with rehabilitation of injured worker and their return to work
* Indirect Costs: Difficult to quantify
- Loss of staff for investigation, preparing reports, hospital visits, attending court proceedings
- Loss of staff morale impacting productivity and quality
- Cost of remedial actions of investigation
- Compliance with enforcement notice
- Cost of recruiting and training temporary or replacement labor
- Difficulty in recruiting and retaining staff
- Loss of goodwill of customers due to delay in production and order fulfillment
- Damage to public image and business reputation
- Damage to Industrial relations, leading to worker unrest
3. What are insured and uninsured costs?
* Insured Costs:
- Damage to plant, buildings, equipments and vehicles
- Medical cost
- Compensation paid to worker
* Uninsured Costs:
4. What are social factors that influence Health and Safety?
* Economic Climate
* Government Policy
* Risk Profile
* Globalization
* Migrant workers
* Social expectations of equality
5. What are basic safety requirements?
What are basic safety provisions by employer?
* Safe Place of work
* Safe plant and equipments
* Safe systems of work
* Information, Instructions, Training and supervision
* Competent workers
6. Define the role of enforcement Agency?
* Providing advice
* Investigating workplace accidents
* Take formal enforcement action to force employer to comply with the law and start enforcement actions against those they fell have committed offences.
* To interpret law and write ACoP, HSG etc
7. What is the purpose of law?
* Set boundaries to operate - level playing field with no bias
* Regulate relationships
* Resolve conflicts - maintain industrial and public relations
* Establish rights - no exploitation
8. What are the consequences of non-compliance?
* Formal enforcement notice
Improvement notice
Prohibition notice: halting an activity
* Prosecution of organization - Fines
* Prosecution of individuals - Fines and/or imprisonment
9. Define conventions and Recommendations?
* Conventions are legally binding international treaties that need to be ratified by member states.
* Recommendations serve as non binding guidelines which supplements the convention by providing detailed guidelines on how it can be implemented.
10. What are the employeers responsibilities or obligations?
* To provide safe workplace, work equipments and use work methods which are safe and pose no risk to health.
* To provide appropriate information and training
* To provide necessary supervision
* To put in place health and safety arrangements adopted to suit the size and nature of organization
* To provide necessary personal protective clothing and equipment free of charge
* To ensure hours of work do not adversely affect safety and health
* To take measures to eliminate physical and mental fatigue
* To stay up-to-date with knowledge in order to comply with the above.
11. What are workers responsibilities?
* Take reasonable care of their own safety and safety of others who might be affected by things they do and the things they fail to do.
* Comply with safety instructions and procedures
* Use all safety equipments provided and not to temper with them
* Report any situation which they believe could be a hazard and which they themselves cannot correct
* Report work related accidents and I'll health.
12. What are workers right?
* The right to be provided with adequate information on actions taken by employer to ensure occupational health and safety
* The right to necessary training in occupational health and safety
* The right to be consulted by employer on all matters of occupational health and safety related to their work.
* The right to leave the workplace which the worker has reason to think present an imminent and serious danger to his or her life or health and not be compelled to return until it is safe.
13. What are the roles of Directors and Managers?
* Give the organization its direction
* Setting up a health and safety policy, taking care of statutory requirements
* Creating an organization structure, with proper line of communication depicting responsibilities and feedback
* Creating measurable aims and objectives towards health and safety.
* Providing adequate resources required to achieve the set objectives.
* Ensuring there are person with specific roles related to health and safety and these people should be directly reporting to Director level personal.
* Ensuring there are adequate number of competent persons available to take care of organizations health and safety obligations.
14. What are the roles of Supervisors?
A supervisor is a person who has charge of a workplace or authority over a worker. He must:
* Ensure a worker complies with health and safety regulations
* Ensure that equipment, protective device or clothing provided are maintained in good condition and used
* Instruct workers about any potential or actual health and safety hazard
* Take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances for protection of workers.
15. What are the responsibilities of joint occupiers?
* They shall collaborate in applying the requirements of health and safety.
* They shall make a joint committee.
* Each employer should nominate a senior employee to the joint Committee which can meet regularly to discuss health and safety related matters.
* There should be joint consultations to ensure that hazards of each of the occupiers are known and control measures recorded.
* There should be procedures jointly made to deal with emergencies and fire.
* Emergency mock drills should be planned and executed jointly.
16. What are the steps in effective planning of contracted work?
* Decide on scale of contracting
* Scope of work to be determined
* Decide on information to be shared
* Hazards posed by site and work
* Hazards posed by contractor activities
* Risk assessment of Contractor job
* Method statements.
17. What are the things to be checked during pre-selection of Contractor?
Following things to be check while pre-selection of Contractor:
Contractor Documents:
* Contractors Health and Safety Policy
* Example risk assessments and method statements.
* Previous experience of similar jobs
* Accident records and labor permits
* Any enforcement action pending
Contractor Equipments:
* Whether the equipments meet the required national and companies own standard
* Whether any statutory test is required and has been carried out (Lifting tools)
* Whether equipments are suitable for the job and environment in which they will be used.
Contractor Workers:
* Competency of the workers
* Number of workers
* Right mix of workers
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